Edulink Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we use your personal data (your « Information »).

It applies to Information we collect about you when :
- you are a Recruiter on Edulink (see our «Recruiter Policy »)
- you are an Edulink User (see our « Edulink User Policy »)
- you are an Edulink Prospect (see our « Prospect Policy »)
- you are an Internet User and browse our Site (see our « Cookie Policy »).

Finally, it contains information applicable to all of our Policies (see our « Information applicable to all of our Policies » section).

This Privacy Policy is effective as of January 01, 2022.

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time if we change the way we process your Information.

We will notify you by the means most appropriate to our relationship with you (email or notification on Edulink).

1.1. Who are we ?

Eduniversal is a company incorporated under the law of Frane, having its registered office at 19, boulevard des Nations Unies 92190 Meudon (France), registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number B 399 207 729, represented by Mr. Guiette in his capacity as Président and Directeur Général (hereinafter referred to as « Eduniversal »).

Eduniversal is a globally recognised player in the education market, particularly through its rankings of the top 1,000 business schools and 5,500 masters' degrees in 70 specialities, its support for students in 154 countries and its consultancy services to schools.

With our network, we have been supporting schools for many years, particularly in the process of creating training portfolios and recruiting teachers, lecturers and administrative or commercial staff.

For nearly 20 years, our passion for guidance and classification has driven us to constantly improve and enhance the quality of the services we offer.

This is why we have digitalised the support we offer by creating Edulink : your fast, efficient and secure recruitment site for higher education professionals.

Thanks to Edulink you can be recruited by one of our 1000 best business schools or recruit administrative, commercial or academic staff, consultants or professors.

1.2. How can you contact us ?

If you have any questions about the protection of your personal data, you can contact us by one of the following means :

By mail : Eduniversal - 19, boulevard des Nations Unies - 92190 Meudon

By email :

1.3. Definitions

When we use capitalized terms in our Privacy Policy, we refer to the definitions below :

« Edulink » or « Site » means the Edulink website accessible at the address, and which allows you to join a community of higher education professionals.

Registration and connection to Edulink are done at the following address

« Information » means personal data about you, whether that information directly or indirectly identifies you.

« Internet User » refers to you when you access our Site.

« Privacy Policy » means this document in its entirety.

« Policy » means any of the policies in our Privacy Policy that apply to a particular category of individuals.

« Prospect » means you if you have expressed a commercial interest in our Site or if we have identified you as potentially interested in our Site.

« Recruiter » means you if you have purchased a Subscription to Edulink, as a higher education institution or recruitment firm.

« Services » means all the services we can provide to you via Edulink. The Services may differ depending on your Subscription.

« Subscription » refers generically to the subscription you have taken out with us which determines the Services we provide to you.

« User » means you, as a member of higher education registered with our Platform, including as a program director, program manager, business manager or professor.

« We » , « us » , « our » and « Eduniversal » refer to our company Eduniversal as identified in the About Us section.


This Policy explains the processing we do with your Information on Edulink when you are a Recruiter.

2.1. What information do we collect about Recruiters ?

When you are a Recruiter, we may use different categories of Information about you, which you may provide to us yourself or which we may collect indirectly.

Category of information Description of the Information that may be collected collected
Identity Company name and registration number (only for companies), surname and first name and title, address (billing address, delivery address), nationality, telephone number, email, date of birth, customer code that we assign internally.
Personal account Username, password and email associated with the account
Professional situation Occupation, Socio-professional category, Name of employer if any, professional e-mail address, professional telephone number
Payment Payment, conditions of payment (discounts if any), information on payment methods : SEPA direct debit (SEPA mandate, RIB number) & credit card (credit card number, expiry date, name of the holder, visual cryptogram)
Transaction Transaction number, details of the purchase (service or subscription)
Follow-up of the commercial relationship Requests for documentation or tests, services and subscriptions subscribed to, orders, invoices and payment terms and deadlines, subscription history, correspondence with you, after- sales service, exchanges and comments between you and our customer relations manager
Unpaid bills Identity data, payment incident concerned (date of the unpaid invoice, invoice concerned, amount of the unpaid invoice, possible reason), payment means used
Registration to our communication events Name, first name, contact information (email, address, phone), possibly your employer and job title for professional events.
Connection data when creating content : Identifier used, IP address, date and time and type of content created on the Site.
Metadata : This metadata relates to actions taken on our Site, such as the features you use most, the types of files downloaded, interactions with Users, etc.
Information about your device : This information concerns the type of device you use to access Edulink (computer, tablet, mobile), the type of operating system and internet browser user, the resolution of your screen
2.2. Why do we use recruiter information and for how long ?

When you are a Recruiter, We may use your Information for the following reasons :
- we may need it to provide you with the Services you have chosen (Performance of a contract)
- we may need it to meet our legal obligations (Compliance with the law)
- we may have legitimate interests in using your Information (Our Legitimate Interest)
- we may do so after obtaining your consent (Consent). You may withdraw your consent at any time.

Below you will find the purposes for which we process your Information and the periods for which we retain your Information :

Purpose Legal Basis Date retention period
Management of our commercial relationship (management of subscriptions and requests, after-sales service) Performance of a contract For the duration of our contractual relationship
Management of our legal, accounting and tax obligations in the context of our contractual relationship Compliance with the law Retention in the form of an archive for the legal retention period to which we are bound (e.g. up to 10 years for our accounting obligations)
Retention of credit card information following a one- time online payment Legitimate interest Up to 13 months for instant debit cards and up to 15 months for deferred debit cards, in accordance with Article L.133-24 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
Retention of credit card information to facilitate future purchases Consent Until the withdrawal of consent or the validity date of the registered credit card
Retention of credit card information in the context of a subscription with tacit renewal Contract Until the contract is terminated or the last payment due date
Anti-fraud management Eduniversal's legitimate interest in detecting potential fraud that could be committed by Recruiters on the Site 6 months
Management of unpaid invoices (Identification of unpaid invoices and exclusion of any future transaction in case of unpaid invoices) Performance of a contract At the latest 48 hours after the outstanding amount has been settled
Site security (prevention and detection of computer attacks) Eduniversal's legitimate interest in detecting malicious behaviour in order to preserve the security of its Site and the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the data it contains (including personal data). 6 months
Sending transactional emails to Recruiters related to the operation of the Site Performance of a contract During the entire contractual relationship
Claims and litigation management Eduniversal's legitimate interest in establishing proof of a right or the proper performance of our contractual obligations For the duration of the statute of limitations applicable to our business relationship (e.g., up to 5 years for civil statute of limitations)
Retention of connection data when publishing content Legal obligation (French Decree of March 24, 2006, French CPCE, art. L. 34-1) 12 months
Carry out satisfaction surveys or ask or advice following an order Eduniversal’s legitimate interest in carrying out satisfaction surveys aimed at collecting the impressions of Recruiters For 5 years
Sending our newsletter Consent For 3 years after our last contact with you or until you withdraw your consent
Organization of our communication events (management of registrations, communication related to the event you have registered for) Legitimate interest Up to 15 days after the last event you registered for.
Organization of our webinars Legitimate interest Up to 15 days after the last event you registered for.
Prospecting in connection with services similar to those already subscribed to by you Eduniversal's legitimate interest Up to 3 years from our last contact with you.
You have the right to object to receiving our commercial prospecting
Site usage statistics Eduniversal's legitimate interest in having indicators on the use of the Site made by Recruiters 25 months maximum
Management of an opposition list Eduniversal's legitimate interest in no longer sending prospecting to Recruiters who have opposed it For 3 years from the date you exercise your right to object
2.3. Who do we share Recruiters Information with ?

2.3.1. To our teams

Your Information may be communicated to all our teams who need it to carry out their missions within the framework of the commercial management of Recruiters.

2.3.2. To our Subcontractors

We use different technical providers for different reasons :

Identity of the subcontractor Reasons for outsourcing
AWS Hosting of our servers
Send in Blue Sending of emails that we send to you
Banque Populaire Online payment management with Cyberplus payment module

2.3.3. To administrative or judicial authorities

We may be required to disclose some of your Information to administrative or judicial authorities when we receive a court order.

2.4. Where do we store Recruiters Information ?

Our main servers are geographically located in France & within the European Union.

It is possible that some of our technical subcontractors may host some of your Information outside the European Union. If this is the case, we will first ensure that our subcontractors take adequate safeguards in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


This Policy explains the processing we do with your Information on Edulink when you are a User of the Site.

3.1. What Information do we collect about Users ?

When you are a User, We may use different categories of Information about you, which you may provide to Us or which We may collect indirectly.

Category of Information collected Description of the Information that may be collected
Identity Name and surname, telephone number, email, date of birth, country, geographical area.
Personnal account Username, password and email associated with the account
Professionnal situation Occupation, Socio-professional category, Name of employer, professional e-mail address, professional telephone number
Registration to our communication events Name, first name, contact information (email, address, phone), possibly your employer and job title for professional events.
Connection data when creating content Identifier used, IP address, date and time and type of content created on the Site.
Usage metadata This metadata relates to your actions on our Site, such as the features you use most, the types of files you download, and your interactions with other Users or Recruiters.
Information about your device This information concerns the type of device you use to access Edulink (computer, tablet, mobile), the type of operating system and internet browser used, the resolution of your screen.
3.2. Why do we use Users Information and for how long ?

When you are a User, We may use your Information for a variety of purposes :
- we may need it to provide you with the Services you have subscribed to (Performance of a contract)
- we may need it to meet our legal obligations (Compliance with the law)
- we may have legitimate interests in using your Information (Our Legitimate Interest)
- we may do so after obtaining your consent (Consent). You may withdraw your consent at any time.

Below you will find the purposes for which we process your Information (the purposes of our processing) and the periods for which we retain your Information :

Purpose Legal basis Data retention period
Management of our contractual relationship with Edulink Users Performance of a contract For the duration of our contractual relationship
Claim and litigation management Eduniversal's legitimate interest in establishing proof of a right or the proper performance of our contractual obligations For the duration of the statute of limitations applicable to our business relationship (e.g., up to 5 years for civil statute of limitations in France)
Retention of connection data when publishing content Legal obligation (French Decree of March 24, 2006, French CPCE, art. L. 34-1) 12 months
Carry out satisfaction surveys or ask for advice following an order Eduniversal's legitimate interest in carrying out satisfaction surveys aimed at collecting the impressions of its Users For 5 years
Sending our newsletter Consent For 3 years after our last contact with you or until you withdraw your consent
Organization of our communication events (management of registrations, communication related to the event you have registered for) Legitimate interest Up to 15 days after the last event you registered for.
Organisation of our webinars Legitimate interest Up to 15 days after the last event you registered for.
Prospecting in connection with services similar to those already subscribed to by you Legitimate interest Up to 3 years from our last contact with you.
You have the right to object to receiving our commercial prospecting
Site usage statistics Eduniversal's legitimate interest in having indicators on the use made by Users of the Site 25 months maximum
Site security (prevention and detection of computer attacks) Eduniversal's legitimate interest in detecting malicious behaviour in order to preserve the security of its Site and the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the data it contains (including personal data). 6 months
Sending transactional emails to Users related to the operation of the Site Performance of a contract During the entire contractual relationship
Management of an opposition list Eduniversal's legitimate interest in no longer sending prospecting to Users who have opposed it For 3 years from the date you exercise your right to object
3.3. Who do we share Users’ Information with ?

3.3.1. To our teams

Your Information may be communicated to all our teams who need it to carry out their missions within the framework of the commercial management of Users.

3.3.2. To our Subcontractors

We use different technical providers for different reasons :

Identity of the subcontractor Reasons for outsourcing
AWS Hosting of our servers
Send in Blue Sending of emails that we send to you

3.3.3. To administrative or judicial authorities

We may be required to disclose some of your Information to administrative or judicial authorities when we receive a court order.

3.4. Where do we store Users’ Information ?

Our main servers are geographically located in France & within the European Union.

It is possible that some of our technical subcontractors may host some of your Information outside the European Union. If this is the case, we will first ensure that our subcontractors take adequate safeguards in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


This Policy explains the processing we do with your Information when you are an Edulink Prospect.

4.1. Quelles sont les informations que nous recueillons sur nos Prospects ?

When you are a Prospect, We may use different categories of Information about you, which you may provide to Us or which We may collect indirectly (for example, from publicly available sources).

Category of Information collected Description of the Information that may be collected
Identity Company name and registration number (only for companies), first and last name and title, postal address, telephone number, email
Professional situation Name of employer, position held & business email address, business phone number
Follow-up of the prospecting relationship Canvassing carried out by Eduniversal, requests for documentation or tests received from the Prospect, direct solicitations received from the Prospect, correspondence with you, making appointments for demonstrations, etc.
Registration to our communication events Name, first name, contact information (email, address, phone), possibly your employer and job title for professional events.
Usage metadata This metadata relates to actions taken on our Site, such as the features you use most, the types of files you download, etc.
Information about your device This information concerns the type of device you use to access our Platform (computer, tablet, mobile), the type of operating system and internet browser used, the resolution of your screen.
4.2. Why do we use our Prospects’ Information and for how long ?

When you are a Prospect, We may use your Information for a variety of purposes :
- we may have legitimate interests in using your Information (Our Legitimate Interest)
- we may do so after obtaining your consent (Consent). You may withdraw your consent at any time.

Below you will find the purposes for which we process your Information (the purposes of our processing) and the periods for which we retain your Information :

Purpose Legal basis Data retention period
Management of our prospecting relationship (follow-up of our requests, responses to your requests, appointments, etc.) Eduniversal’s legitimate interest in developing its commercial activity Up to 3 years from the last contact with you
Sending of our newsletter Consent For 3 years after our last contact with you or until you withdraw your consent
Organization of our communication events (management of registrations, communication related to the event you have registered for) Legitimate interest Up to 15 days after the last event you registered for.
Organization of our webinars Legitimate interest Up to 15 days after the last event you registered for.
Canvassing by e-mail to professionals for offers related to the prospect’s profession Eduniversal’s legitimate interest in sending its commercial offers to Prospects who may be interested. For 3 years from the date of our first canvassing or our last exchange with you. You can object to our canvassing.
Prospecting by SMS Consent For 3 years from our last contact with you or until your consent is withdrawn
Prospecting by post Eduniversal’s legitimate interest in sending its commercial offers to prospects who may be interested For 3 years from our first canvassing or our last exchange with you. You may object to our prospecting operations
Prospecting by phone Eduniversal’s legitimate interest in sending its commercial offers to prospects who may be interested For 3 years from our first prospecting or our last exchange with you. You may oppose our prospecting operations
Management of an opposition list Eduniversal’s legitimate interest in no longer sending prospecting to people who have opposed it For 3 years from the exercise of your right of opposition
4.3. Who do we share Prospects’ Information with ?

4.3.1. To our teams

Your Information may be communicated to all our teams who need it to carry out their missions within the framework of the commercial management of Prospects.

4.3.2. To our Subcontractors

We use different technical providers for different reasons :

Identity of the subcontractor Reasons for outsourcing
AWS Hosting of our servers
Send in Blue Sending of emails that we send to you

4.3.3. To administrative or judicial authorities

We may be required to disclose some of your Information to administrative or judicial authorities when we receive a court order.

4.4. Where do we store Users’ Information ?

Our main servers are geographically located in France & within the European Union.

It is possible that some of our technical subcontractors may host some of your Information outside the European Union. If this is the case, we will first ensure that our subcontractors take adequate safeguards in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

5.1. Preamble

When you visit our site as an Internet user, we may deposit or read cookies or other data on your terminal.

5.2. What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a small file placed or read on your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone).

They enable us to store information on your terminal in connection with your navigation on our Site.

Reading and placing cookies generally requires your consent ; however, some so-called technical cookies may be placed without your consent.

5.3. Who set the cookies ?

Eduniversal and its partners may place cookies on your terminal.

5.4. Quels types de cookies utilisez-vous ?

We use different types of cookies :

5.4.1. Technical cookies

We use technical cookies necessary for Edulink to function :
- we set a cookie on your terminal to remember your choice (acceptance, refusal) concerning the deposit of cookies ;
- we set cookies to securely authenticate you when you log in to Edulink ;
- we deposit cookies to memorize your preferences of personalization of your interface (ex : language of the site, size of the text) ;
- we set cookies to balance the load on our computer servers ;
- we set cookies to limit free access to a sample of our paid content available online.

These cookies do not require your prior consent due to their technical nature.

Cookie name Purpose Lifetime of the cookie
PHPSESSID User Session Session
User Base data of user 12 months
Token Access Token 12 months
profile-admin detail user data 12 months
profile detail user data 12 months

5.4.2. Cookies for audience measurement

We use audience measurement cookies in order to establish statistics on the number of visitors to our site and statistics on the use of Edulink.

Cookie publisher Purpose Cookie name Function Duration

Privacy policy
We use Google analytics for website statistics _ga Count and track page views 2 years

5.4.3. Social network cookies and platforms

We use cookies to enable you to share content on social networks and platforms on our Site.

Cookie publisher Purpose Cookie name Function Duration

Privacy policy
Allow you to share our content on Facebook fbm* Store account information 12 months
xs Store a unique session ID 3 months
fbp Track visits through websites 3 months

Privacy policy
Allow you to share our content on LinkedIn Li_sugr Store browser information 3 months
lidc Store the actions performed by users on the website 1 month

5.5. How can I withdraw my consent ?

You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting your cookies from your browser.

6.1. Your rights

The GDPR grants you several rights :

Right of access You may ask us to access any Information we have about You.
Right of rectification You may ask us to correct your Information if it is inaccurate.
Right to object You may ask us to stop using your Information where we do so because of a legitimate interest.
You can also ask us to stop receiving commercial prospecting.
Right to withdraw your consent Where any of our processing is based on your prior consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. We will then stop using your Information for that processing.
Right to erasure You may request that we delete your Information and stop using it.
Right to limitation You may ask us to temporarily stop using your Information but require us to temporarily retain it.
Right to portability You may ask us to provide you with an export of your Information in a reusable format and, where possible, ask us to pass it on to another organisation for reuse.
Right not to be subject to an automated individual decision You have the right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on automated processing that produces legal effects concerning you or significantly affects you
The right to set up instructions concerning your data in the event of your death You have the right to set, update or revoke instructions regarding the retention, deletion or disclosure of your Information after your death.
Right to file a complaint You can lodge a complaint with the authority responsible for protecting personal data (in France, the CNIL, if you feel that your rights have not been respected.
6.2. How to exercise your rights ?

To exercise your rights, contact us at the address and phone number listed in the « How to contact us » section.

We will do our best to provide you with an answer within one month.

The rights you can exercise are defined by the GDPR and depend on the legal basis of our processing. There may therefore be occasions when we cannot accept a request to exercise rights because the right claimed cannot be exercised. If this is the case, we will inform you

We may also ask you for proof of identity to ensure that it is you who is exercising your rights and where we have no other way of ensuring this. You should only send us proof of identity if we ask for it.