Legitimate interest assessment


This Legitimate interest assessment (« Assessment ») allows us to justify the processing of your personal data (your « Information ») obtained fairly in the context of our commercial relations, in order to associate you with the Edulink community.

This Assessment applies to Information we process when :

This Assessment is not the privacy policy of Edulink website (the " Site ") otherwise accessible at : https://eduniversal-link.com.

This Assessment was validated on January 01, 2022 .

1. Basic information
1.1. Who are we ?

Eduniversal is a company incorporated under the law of France having its head office at 19, boulevard des Nations Unies 92190 Meudon (FRANCE), registered in the Nanterre trade and companies register under number B 399 207 729, represented by Mr. Guiette as Président and Directeur Général (hereinafter « Eduniversal »).

1.2. How can you contact us ?

For any questions regarding the protection of your Information, you can contact us by one of the following means :

1.3. Definitions

When we use capitalized terms in this Assessment, we are referring to the definitions below :

« You », « Your » refer to you as identified in the « preamble » to this Assessment.

« Information » means your personal data, whether this information identifies you directly or indirectly.

We obtained this Information as part of your registration or referencing on the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.

This Information is your first name, last name, professional email address, position, professional telephone number and area of expertise.

By accessing your Edulink account, you can complete, modify or delete your Information and account.

For more details, you can consult Edulink's privacy policy by clicking on this link

« We », « our », « us », and " Eduniversal " mean the company Eduniversal as identified in the section « Who are we ? ».

« Assessment » means this document in full.

" Site " and " Edulink " mean the Edulink website that can be accessed at the address www.eduniversal-link.com.

2. Assessment

« The legitimate interests of a controller, including those of a controller to which the personal data may be disclosed, or of a third party, may provide a legal basis for processing, provided that the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject are not overriding, taking into consideration the reasonable expectations of data subjects based on their relationship with the controller.

Such legitimate interest could exist for example where there is a relevant and appropriate relationship between the data subject and the controller in situations such as where the data subject is a client or in the service of the controller.

At any rate the existence of a legitimate interest would need careful assessment including whether a data subject can reasonably expect at the time and in the context of the collection of the personal data that processing for that purpose may take place. The interests and fundamental rights of the data subject could in particular override the interest of the data controller where personal data are processed in circumstances where data subjects do not reasonably expect further processing.

Given that it is for the legislator to provide by law for the legal basis for public authorities to process personal data, that legal basis should not apply to the processing by public authorities in the performance of their tasks.

The processing of personal data strictly necessary for the purposes of preventing fraud also constitutes a legitimate interest of the data controller concerned.

The processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes may be regarded as carried out for a legitimate interest. » (GDPR, recital 47)

Processing may be based on the legitimate interest of the entity processing the data, « except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. »(article 6.1.f) of the GDPR).

In the following sections, we justify to you, as a consequence of our previous relations and the fair collection of your Information, the pre-constitution of your Edulink account.

2.1. The interest of Eduniversal to pre-set up your Edulink account

We are in contact with you through your participation in the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, through our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or our trade relations.

As you know, since 1994 we have specialized in consulting and ranking in the field of higher education.

Eduniversal is today a globally recognized player in the education market, in particular through its rankings of the 1000 best business schools and 5500 masters in 70 specialties, its support for students in 154 countries and its consulting services.

Backed by our network, we have been assisting schools for many years, particularly in their process of creating education portfolios, and recruiting teachers, administrative or sales staff.

For nearly 20 years, our passion for assistance and classification has driven us to improve ourselves and constantly improve the quality of the services we offer you.

This is why we wanted to digitalize the support we already offer by creating Edulink : your fast, efficient and secure recruitment Site that is dedicated for higher education professionals.

The purpose of Edulink is to allow you to be recruited by one of our 1000 best business schools or to recruit administrative, commercial or academic collaborators, consultants or professors.

In order to expand our service offering and provide you with solutions that meet your needs, we have pre-set up an account for you to easily integrate the Edulink community now.

Eduniversal's legitimate interest in processing your Information
Why do we need to process your Information ? We need to process your Information to pre-set up your Edulink account and allow you to join a community of over 20,000 higher education professionals.
What benefits do we get from using your Information ? The pre-set up of your Edulink account allows us to expand and digitalize our range of services for higher education professionals by offering you more secure and efficient services in addition to our consulting and ranking services.
Will subcontractors have access to your Information on the Site ?

We reserve the right to use the services of subcontractors for the operating needs of Edulink (in particular for the hosting of our servers and the management of online payments). We are committed to ensuring that all our subcontractors are located within the European Union or present sufficient guarantees to ensure the security of your Information.

For more details, you can consult Edulink's privacy policy by clicking on this link

Why is it necessary for us to process your Information ?

We need your Information to pre-set up an Edulink account for you.

This profile will allow you to join a network of more than 20,000 qualified professionals in higher education in order to discuss, recruit and be recruited or solicited as a consultant or speaker.

Is the processing of your Information proportionate ?

The processing of your Information is limited to the strict minimum in order to pre-set up your Edulink profile.

We only process the information that we know about you and that we have collected fairly in the context of your participation to the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.

Does the processing of your Information comply with the principle of limitation of processing ?

We only process the Information strictly necessary for the pre-set up of your Edulink account, i.e. your first name, last name, professional email address, professional telephone number, position held, area of expertise.

It will then be up to you to complete your Information. You can also, if you wish, delete your Information on the Site and delete your Edulink account.

For more details, you can consult Edulink's privacy policy by clicking on this link

Can we achieve the same result without processing your Information ? We cannot pre-set up your Edulink account without processing your Information that we have collected fairly as part of your registration to the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.
Does your Information constitute specific categories of data within the meaning of article 9 of the GDPR ? None of your Information constitutes specific categories of data within the meaning of article 9 of the GDPR, i.e. personal data which reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation
Does the processing of your Information on the Site require conducting PIA ?

The pre-set up of your Edulink account does not fit into any list of processing operations for which the French DPA has deemed it mandatory to carry out an impact analysis relating to data protection.

Furthermore, the processing of your Information in the context of the Site does not fall within any of the following objectives :

  • evaluation / scoring (including profiling) ;
  • automatic decision with legal or similar effect ;
  • systematic surveillance ;
  • collection of sensitive or highly personal data (article 9 of the GDPR) ;
  • large-scale personal data collection ;
  • data crossing ;
  • vulnerable people (patients, the elderly, children, etc.) ;
  • innovative use (use of new technology) ;
  • exclusion from the benefit of a right / contract.

For more details on the purposes of processing your Informations on the Site, you can consult Edulink's privacy policy by clicking on this link

Is the intended processing of your Information within the framework of the Site lawful ? The pre-set up of your Edulink account is a perfectly lawful operation.
2.2. Protecting Your Interest

We have always paid particular attention to ensuring that your Information is processed in accordance with the regulations in force, namely French law n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés modified by décret du 14 octobre 1991 and loi du 6 août 2004, and, for your Information processed from May 25 , 2018, the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).

The protection of your interest in the context of integration into the Edulink community
Is your Information data considered particularly private ? None of your Information constitutes specific categories of data within the meaning of article 9 of the GDPR, i.e. personal data which reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation
Does the Information relate to vulnerable people ?

The vulnerable people are in particular minors, employees in their relationship with their employer, elderly people, patients, etc.), and more generally any person who may be found in an unbalanced situation vis-à-vis the data controller.

In this case, no Information processed as part of the pre-set up of your Edulink account constitutes data concerning a person said to be vulnerable with regard to the GDPR.

In addition, we have put in place mechanisms allowing you to keep control of your Information and to close your Edulink account if you do not wish to join the community.

Do you have a previous relationship with us ? All the information that we process as part of the creation of your Edulink account has been collected in a fair manner as part of your participation to Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.
Do we already know the Information processed for the purposes of the Site ?

We already know all the Information we need to pre-set up your Edulink account because this Information was collected in a fair manner as part of your participation to the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.

Other information that we do not know can be entered by you when you first log into Edulink.

How have we used your Information so far ?

Until now, we have used your Information to :

  • identify yourself on the sites with the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Best Licences, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote sites;
  • discuss with you following your completion of the Eduniversal World Convention forms ;
  • interact with you within the framework of our commercial relations.
How did we get access to your Information ?

We had access to this information :

  • because you are registered and / or referenced on the sites Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licences, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote » ;
  • you filled out a contact form at an Eduniversal World Convention ;
  • because they are freely accessible online on the site of your establishment on the one hand, and because you have provided us with other Information during our commercial relations on the other hand.
Is the processing of your Information on the Site innovative ?

The pre-set up of your Edulink account is not an innovative treatment.

That is to say that this processing on the Site does not involve any innovative technology (for example AI, profiling, automatic decisions), nor any new medium (for example IOT).

Is the processing of your Information on the Site predictable ? The processing of your Information on the Site is predictable insofar as we have communicated about our Edulink project.
Is the intended processing of your Information surprising ?

The pre-set up of your Edulink account does not come as a surprise insofar as we regularly update the services we offer you in order to always better meet your needs.

In addition, we have been assisting you for many years in the creation of education portfolios, and the recruitment of teachers or members of administrative or commercial departments. The creation of Edulink is therefore the digital extension of consulting services for which we were already regularly asked for.

In addition, this treatment is not irreversible. You have the possibility at any time to modify or delete your Information on the Site, as well as to delete your Edulink account.

What is the cost of accessing the Site ?

Access to the Site is completely free.

The pre-set up of your Edulink account does not in any way constitute an obligation of payment which must obtain your express consent.

Access to the Site is however chargeable when it is used by recruiters or schools for the purpose of profile hunting.

2.3. Balance of interests
Balance of interests
You Us

You are free to refuse the creation of your Edulink account.

You can, at any time, modify or delete your Information on the Site, as well as delete the Edulink account that we have pre-set up for you.

Control of your Information

We only pre-set up an Edulink account for you with the Information we have fairly collected about you as part as your participation on the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.

Therefore, it is up to you, if you wish, to fill in the missing Information on the Site in order to complete your Edulink profile.


The pre-set up of your Edulink account does not constitute processing " likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals " requiring the performance of a data protection impact assessment (PIA) in accordance with the Article 35 of the GDPR.

Risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects We have examined the treatment envisaged during this Assessment and demonstrate that the pre-set up of your Edulink account does not involve any high risk for your rights and freedoms, regarding the nature of the Information processed and the possibilities of modification and deletion of your Information on the Site, as well as the deletion of your Edulink account.

We only use Information obtained fairly within the framework of your participation on Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.

In addition, we have been assisting you for many years in the creation of education portfolios, and the recruitment of teachers or members of administrative or commercial departments. The creation of Edulink is therefore the digital extension of consulting services for which we were already regularly asked for.

In addition, no Information constitutes special categories of data within the meaning of Article 9 of the GDPR, in other words, personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

Intrusiveness of the treatment

The pre-set up of your Edulink account is not intrusive insofar as none of the Information processed constitutes special categories of data within the meaning of Article 9 of the GDPR.

In addition, your Edulink account is only pre-set up from the Information that we have fairly collected about you within the framework of our exchanges.

Your information is protected in accordance with the obligations arising from French law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 and the GDPR.

We take particular care to ensure that your Information is treated as a priority in France and, when we use foreign service providers, that your Information is treated with the same level of requirements as those imposed by the GDPR.

For more details, you can consult our privacy policy

Protecting Your Information

All your Information is hosted in France at www.eduniversal-link.com

In addition, all your Information contained in our databases is encrypted according to the https protocol.

In addition, we are committed to developing tools and applying internal processes to ensure protection of your Information by design and by default, in accordance with article 25 of the GDPR.

For more details, you can consult our privacy policy

You are free to refuse the creation of your Edulink account.

You can, at any time, modify or delete your Information on the Site, as well as delete the Edulink account that we have pre-set up for you.

Right to refuse the processing of your Information on the Site

We have set up a space to modify your Information on the Site at the address https://eduniversal-link.com

You can also delete the Edulink account that we have pre-set up for you at the address https://eduniversal-link.com

The pre-set up of your Edulink account does not cause you financial prejudice nor can it lead to depriving you of access to an essential service or to a fundamental right. Protection of your interests, your right to privacy and your fundamental rights

The pre-set up of your Edulink account does not violate any fundamental right (in particular the freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and information, etc.).

In addition, this processing of your Information does not relate to vulnerable people and is part of the ongoing compliance of Eduniversal with the GDPR.

For more details, you can consult our privacy policy

In accordance with articles 16 and following of the GDPR, you can exercise the following rights relating to the processing of your Information on the Site :

  • Right to obtain information on the processing of personal data ;
  • Right of access ;
  • Right of rectification ;
  • Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) ;
  • Right to restriction of processing ;
  • Right of opposition.
Your rights in relation to the processing of your Information on the Site

For any exercise of your rights relating to the processing of your Information on the Site, we undertake to respond to you within one month.

In addition, in accordance with Article 19 of the GDPR, we undertake to send you a notification concerning the rectification or erasure of personal data or the limitation of processing, unless communication proves impossible or requires disproportionate efforts.

3. Conclusion

At the end of this Assessment, we believe that the pre-set up of your Edulink account is in our legitimate interest.

This processing digitalizes and makes faster and more accessible to you the services of creation of education portfolios, and of recruitment of teachers or members of administrative or commercial departments that we have been carrying out for you for many years.

This processing therefore allows us to expand our service offering and to provide you with solutions that meet your needs, solely by means of Information obtained fairly as consequences of your registration to the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote, of our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or in the context of our commercial relations.

Moreover, we also give you sufficient guarantees to oppose this treatment.

Do you have questions about this Assessment ?

We are at your disposal for any further information.

You can contact us using the contact details displayed in the « How can you contact us ? » Section.

Legal notice project for the emailing campaign

As part of the launch of the EduniversalLink site , the controller (hereinafter « Eduniversal » or « us » or « we ») is processing personal data to pre-set you up an Edulink account and allow you to join a community of more 20 000 professionals in higher education.

The legal basis for this processing is article 6.1f of the General Data Protection Regulation (« GDPR »).

The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interest pursued by Eduniversal in order to digitalize and make consulting services, that we have been carrying out for you for many years, faster and more accessible (in particular creation of education portfolios, and recruitment of teachers or members of administrative or commercial departments).

The processing is carried out solely by means of personal data obtained fairly within the framework of your registration and / or referencing on the Meilleurs Masters, Best Masters, Meilleures Licenses, Meilleures Grandes Ecoles, Eduniversal Ranking or Deans Vote websites, from our discussions at the Eduniversal World Convention or as part of our trade relations.

For more details, you can consult and download HERE, the legitimate interest assessment (LIA) that we carried out prior to the pre-set up of your Edulink account.

The personal data processed to pre-set up your account will be kept confidential :

  • until you delete your Edulink account ; or
  • 36 months after your last connection to Edulink ; or
  • 36 months after the pre-set up of your Edulink account if you do not access it.

The personal data processed are intended for authorized personnel of Eduniversal, as well as for any subcontractors.

For more details, you can consult the privacy policy .

You have the right, at any time, to ask us to access your personal data, to rectify or erase them, or to limit the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to object to the processing.

These rights can be exercised on simple written request accompanied by a copy of an identity document sent to the data controller at 19, boulevard des Nations Unies in Meudon (92190) or by email edulink@eduniversal-group.com.

You have the right to the portability of your data which you can exercise by contacting us.

You also have the right to complain to supervisory authority.

For any information on your rights to the processing of personal data managed by Eduniversal, you can contact our personal data referent at the following address : edulink@eduniversal-group.com.